Speaking of Mol Bio

DNA on the move – the influence of form on gel migration

Episode Summary

This is the first of the new Mol Bio Minutes, which are mini episodes within this series. In this kickoff episode, Augustė Užuotaitė speaks about migration of different forms of DNA in agarose gel electrophoresis.

Episode Notes

Agarose gel electrophoresis is a staple method in almost all biology and biochemistry lab where separation and analysis of nucleic acids is needed. In this Mol Bio Minutes mini episode Augustė Užuotaitė, Scientist III at Thermo Fisher Scientific, covers the basics of electrophoresis with a spotlight on how different forms of DNA migrate differently in agarose gel electrophoresis.

In less than 10 quick minutes, you’ll learn about the many factors that affect DNA migration rate. Augustė reviews how DNA size, sequence, and conformation all affect migration rate, and she gives some beautifully simple examples to help it all make sense. 

Helpful resource links mentioned in this episode: