Speaking of Mol Bio

Therapeutic nucleic acids – a CDMO’s view on mRNA

Episode Summary

The COVID pandemic and subsequent SARS CoV-2 vaccines catapulted mRNA technology into mainstream consciousness and proved the potential of mRNA as a therapeutic modality. Join us to meet Dr. Christian Cobaugh, Co-founder and CEO of Vernal Biosciences. Christian is passionate about mRNA medicines and is working to make them available and reliable for preclinical discovery and beyond

Episode Notes

While some of us knew a good bit about mRNA prior to 2020, we all got a crash course on mRNA technology and its prophylactic and therapeutic potential as a result of the COVID pandemic and subsequent SARS CoV-2 vaccine development. In fact, most of us have now received at least one mRNA vaccine at this point.

Our guest for this episode, Dr. Christian Cobaugh, Co-founder and CEO of Vernal Biosciences, was a passionate believer in mRNA medicines well before the pandemic. Join us to hear his story and his passion for this technology. He walks us through the molecular methods by which high-purity mRNAs are now made and purified, as well as going into the lipid nanoparticle technology by which they’re commonly delivered. As a contract development and manufacturing provider, we get to learn about the state of the market and what clients of their care about today. As a seasoned expert in this space, Christian talks about the future potential of mRNA technology for applications such as personalized cancer vaccines.

If you enjoy hearing smart people talk about interesting topics with a passion, you won’t want to miss this episode!